15 June 2010

Get Him to the Greek (2010)

Lots of sex, lots of drugs, lots of jokes regarding sex and drugs. A robust bashing of the music industry. A handful of witty one-liners. Pleasantly silly at times, eye-roll-inducing at others (I’m talking about the forced emotional situations and unnecessary forays into the romantic difficulties of the two stars. Are we really supposed to believe this movie is about feelings and friendship? Come on!)

But here's a huge relief-- even in the highly unbelievably touchy-feely moments, self-mockery abounds. All in all, Get Him to the Greek delivers about what you'd expect if you've seen the trailer.

Wait for the rental, but definitely look forward to it. Worth it for the laughs it delivers.

06 June 2010

Good Hair (2009)

Chris Rock tries his hand at being a documentarian in this rambling and scatterbrained series of interviews revolving around standards of beauty for black women in America.

In Good Hair the usually sharp Rock seems to excel at avoiding being informative or opinionated regarding the information he presents, while surprisingly barely managing to pull off any of his usual bitingly critical punchlines. The result is a mostly pointless trifle of a documentary that asks many questions regarding the current state and future of self-image and black American women. Disappointingly, not only is little coherent effort made to answer these questions, but the overall tone of the film seems to trivialize their importance from the start.

Overall, not worth the time spent watching.