18 October 2010

Severed Ways (2007)

Wanna watch the worst movie ever? Watch this!

You’ll see:

-Poop coming out of a dude’s butt
-Extremely anachronistic headbanging to metal
-Guys in really bad wigs speaking slangy Norse in digitally-altered-to-be-lower voices
-Random acts of arson
-Unexplained and unnecessary shaky camera
-Beautiful scenery of northeastern Canada

In short: all you could ever wish for in a bad movie. Ripe for a couple hours of colorful commentary from you and your friends (possibly inebriated). Vent your pent up aggression, sarcasm, and rage toward your TV or computer screen. The movie can’t talk back, and won’t make any effort to get you to like it!

A spectacle of unspeakably bad moviemaking. Enjoy.


  1. This is one of those movies that is bad from an aesthetic standpoint but thoroughly enjoyable for its ridiculousness! I would have given it a favorable mark for its entertainment value.

    1. Crap scene was unnecessary but epic.

    2. Lets eat some chicken and burn down a house... yesssss

    3. Headbanging.... epitome of Scandinavian youth stereotypes (gave me a good chuckle because all the Scandinavians I know love metal)

    4. Only downfall was white subtitles= hard to read!!


  3. where is the shit scene in the movie? duration ? don't want the entire thing, just the dump scene

  4. Its in the beginning third of the movie. Right after they eat salmon or some other kind of fish. You can't miss it.

  5. 20:43 seconds, epic shit scene, 4 out of 5 at least. enjoy

  6. I saw this "movie" it was not good and I seriously doubt vikings spoke in languages like "if we stay here we are toast" lol might as well added "dude" to that sentence. The guy crapping part is totally nasty and unnecessary. Seriously.....WHY?????
