13 October 2009

I Heart Huckabees (2004)

Want to know why The Happening (reviewed in a rather negative light last time when I tore into The Invention of Lying) didn’t end up on my top ten worst list?  It was because I liked Mark Wahlberg’s extremely silly acting job, which helped me not to take the movie seriously.  That was what saved it for me. 

In I Heart Huckabees Wahlberg appears in weirdo mode again, acting crazed and violent yet somehow lovable in his role as a fireman having an existential crisis.  He’s not even officially the main character of this random and satisfyingly entertaining movie, but he was definitely my favorite.  Jason Schwartzman, potty-mouth extraordinaire in his role as an environmental activist poet is who the story focuses on, with Dustin Hoffman, Jude Law, Lily Tomlin, and a host of other big names for backup.

But it is not the caliber of the acting that makes this movie entertaining.  Instead it is the sheer number of bizarre moments of violence, physical humor, and philosophical sputtering that create the chemistry that keeps the thing going.  It is not a movie which asks you to think deep thoughts—it is a movie about people thrashing around while having deep thoughts to comedic effect.

A very enjoyable diversion.


  1. I don't know why, but even though I enjoyed I Heart Huckabees when I watched it, the film completely disappeared from my memory as soon as I left the theatre. Have you found it memorable?
    I do remember really enjoying some scenes that involved producing commercials... unless I'm making that up.

  2. Ok. Now that you said that I can't recall a single specific scene that I enjoyed particularly. Which leads me to the somewhat existential question of WHAT DID IT ALL MEAN?

    And yeah, there were multiple scenes where Naomi Watts writhed around on the floor in a bikini while shooting an ad, and then later scenes when she was wearing an Amish bonnet and overalls, flipping out and accusing her new replacement of being stupid. Intense.

    I liked it when she just randomly says "Fuckabees". :)
