03 February 2010

Terminator Salvation (2009)

Wow. What were they thinking when they decided to produce this movie?
Answer: They were not. Thinking. At all.

Really really nonsensical plot that somehow still managed to be formulaic. Performances that you couldn’t label compelling under any circumstances.1 Lots of very expensive shots and sequences all leading to ultimate disappointment and in some cases, actual physical disgust that they even wasted the money putting them together in this context.


1. Unless, of course, you count this performance. Way more genuine than anything that ended up on celluloid.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this movie last year in theaters with my parents. I thought it looked like a pretty crap movie, but my parents were paying for it so what the hey. I was pleasantly surprised...by how hot Sam Worthington is. That was my take-home message of the movie. That and I am totally done with Christian Bale.
