08 March 2010

The Brothers Bloom (2008)

I liked The Brothers Bloom because it has good comedic timing and an interesting storyline. It is a lighthearted fantasy that knows its own limits. The dialogue and the cinematography are fun, smart, and purposeful.

I didn’t love the movie because it just couldn’t quite come together. There were some random scenes and some loose ends that nagged me. Sometimes it was a little corny. The pacing was off. No glaring errors—just a small number of minor annoyances that added up.

Overall The Brothers Bloom is a flirtation, not a seduction; all smiles and winks, very little actual involvement requested or required. A pleasant way to spend an evening, but nothing that you'll ultimately want to own.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to disagree with you here, and quite strongly. I thought the errors were intensely, and at times painfully, glaring. This seemed like a perfect example of the fact that a strong script and strong acting do not a movie make. It's been years since I've seen a film so haphazardly thrown together. I don't know if it was lack of skill on the part of an inexperienced director, or just piss-poor editing, but it seemed like they took fairly decent pieces, slapped them together and made a sorry excuse for a film. I'm actually really surprised that whatever studio put the film out distributed it in such a half-assed format.

    Maybe I'm being a little harsh on the film. Clearly it wasn't as bad as Transformers 2 or Old Dogs. But that's what really irks me. This film had a really interesting script, an impressive cast, and oodles of potential to be a really fun movie. Seeing all that potential squandered by what appears to simply have been a rushed post-production really rubs me the wrong way.

    All in all, I would say this movie makes for a decidedly unpleasant way to spend an evening. The film definitely left a sour taste in my mouth.
