01 December 2009

The Blind Side (2009)

-Link contains spoilers!-

If you have seen the trailer for this movie there is no need to go to the theater and watch it. You have already witnessed the entire story, gotten a good dose of the humor, and caught wind of the overall theme.

Now, if you nevertheless really feel like you want to watch The Blind Side all the way through, despite my warnings, please at least wait until it is available as a rental. Very not necessary to see it on the big screen. Thanks for nothing, whoever makes decisions about trailers.

However, if you have somehow managed to escape seeing the trailer and don't know a lot about the movie, I would recommend it. If you like feel-good, based-on-a-true-story heart-warmers, which a lot of people these days (entirely understandably) do, then go for it! The Blind Side is a crowd pleaser, a mug of hot apple cider on a cold day, a warm blanket to fall asleep with, through and through.

An overwhelmingly nice pick-me-up if you’re feeling down in the dumps and want to be cheered up, so long as you don't already know everything about it going into it.


  1. Yeah the trailer is totally feel-good. I was worried that the twist in the film is someone's untimely death from disease or whatnot, or some accident. From your review it seems like my worries are unfounded?

    I was also a bit uneasy and put-off by how much the trailer paints a picture of this wealthy white woman that gives the gift of "normal" life/upper class benefits/and (by troublesome implication) also a more rich "humanity" to a black man whose own black family and community are unable to care for him.

    Though it's based on true story so I shouldn't be suspicious I guess... still would have loved to see this the other way around in racial terms (it's happened in real life)

  2. Alla, I 100% shared your dis-ease going into this movie. I was expecting it to be smarmy and facile in the way it dealt with race, and to an offensive degree.

    It didn't end up being that bad though. The issues of race that confront the people involved in the story /are/ actually addressed at a couple of moments throughout the film, albeit very briefly and very neatly.

    I kind of doubt that circumstances were as simple or low key in real life, but I understand why the filmmakers have chosen to focus less on societal issues and to instead make it a narrative of personal triumph.

    It's really more of a faith in humanity kind of movie than a questioning ideas and beliefs sort of thing. Yay. Just in time for the holidays.

    :/ Could have been a lot better, could have been a lot worse.

  3. Oscar contender. :) As if the fact that Avatar will likely win best picture wasn't ridiculous enough, let's throw in a best picture nomination for THE BLIND SIDE. Those guys crack me up.
