02 January 2011

Black Swan (2010)

Shut up, Darren Aronofsky.


  1. Agreed.
    Shortest discussion we've ever had about a movie - ever.

  2. I will second that. This one tips my scales in favor of Darren Aronofsky sucking. To clarify:

    Pi: Boo. One of the worse movie watching experiences of my life.

    Requiem for a Dream. Yay. Miserable, but absolutely fantastic. Still one of the most haunting movies I've ever seen. Which is why I've only been able to sit through it twice in 8 years.

    The Fountain. Boo. What happens when you try to wax philosophical and end up just sounding and looking pretentious? This movie.

    The Wrestler. Yay. Sweet, simple and subtle--3 s words usually not associated with Aronofsky but pulled off well here. The last s (sad) is definitely an Aronofsky staple. Because in case you haven't caught it, this is Aronofsky's favorite theme: Life is super duper depressing.

    And now Black Swan. Which managed to both be extremely unlike Aronofosky's past movies an exactly what I should have expected. Cheesy, RIDONCULOUS ending. Frustratingly melodramatic but never completely entertaining. Scary in a gross, uncomfortable way instead of ever being thrilling. That'll teach me to defend Aronofsky to haters (Caitlin).
